Friday, February 29, 2008

Antsy and ache-y

Today is my "planned rest day" since I am going to be spending the entire afternoon/evening traveling...and I have never been so thankful for a rest day. My knee is still a bit ache-y and I am less than thrilled about that.

Last spring, around this time of year, I irritated my medial plica. You'd think I would have learned my lesson and picked up some more stretching and weight training...but of course not. I think I have re-irritated that same area. It's not all that bad yet so I'm just going to take it easy for a while, stretch, and start running outside again (so matter what the temperature) so I can balance out my leg muscles (running on the treadmill and the indoor track just isn't doing it for me...).

The major cause of medial synovial plica irritation is tight hamstrings (which I'm guessing I have since I've sucked at stretching lately) and poor quadricep strength (which I'm also guessing I have since I've barely run outside since upping my mileage and I haven't been lifting at all). And, since I'm a woman with hips, my larger q-angle is not helping one bit.

All in all, I am one very injury prone gal. But I am not injured yet. I just need to stop the progression before it elevates to the level of last year (where I could barely walk).

With that said, I am leaving for spring break in 45 minutes! I suppose it's not really spring break considering I'm flying into 20 degree weather, but it is break. And I am incredibly excited!!! I can't wait to see everyone in CT and I just want to get a move on now!

Some info for the curious:

1 comment:

Patricio said...

Stretch, stretch and stretch... I never used to stretch before till I got lateral hamstring tendonitis, after that and a few phys. ther. visits I stretch almost every nite before I go to bed, you get really used to it and do it even on days you don't even run.
Hope it gets better son!