Monday, February 25, 2008

Tag, you're it!

I've been tagged by 2 fellow bloggers:

Patricio; and
Training to Tri;

The rules:

1 - Link to the person who tagged you
2 -Post the rules on your blog
3 - Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog
4 - Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs

My random and/or weird facts:

1. I'm left handed but I use right handed scissors and throw with my right hand because that was the only way they would teach me when I was learning to do those things in pre-school/kindergarten.

2. I have been running since elementary school and haven't stopped for more than a few months at a time since then...

3. I am obsessed with tea. I try as many different varieties as I can get my hands on and I rarely find a type that I dislike.

4. I grew up in and spent most of my life in Connecticut yet I am quite possibly the biggest wimp you will ever meet when it comes to cold weather....which is why I have been doing all of my runs indoors despite the fact that it's been in the low 40s for the past week.

5. I have an addiction to bookstores. I could spend all of my free time in Barnes and Nobles and all of my life's savings on books. Thankfully I (eventually) read all of the books I buy and get a lot of gift cards

6. I really enjoy planning and organizing and researching. Sometimes I'll plan a "dream trip" that I know I won't be taking just because I like researching hotels, restaurants, and various things to do in different locations.

7. My toenails are always painted a shade of either red or matter what.

Who I'm tagging:

Well I'm going to have to get back to that in a bit because I told myself that I'd get back to studying at 7:00 and it is now 7:05. Bah humbug.


Patricio said...

Left handed eh? :) That was pretty cool. It's been in the 40s and u haven't been running outside? ELLIE! get your butt out there... hee hee hee
I wish it was in the 40s here

Have a good nite!


Mnowac said...

Thanks for playing along! And I too am a tea freak, I drink like 5 cups a day!