Saturday, February 16, 2008

Conversations in my head

When I'm running hills, I typically have this monologue going through my head:

- I don't want to run up this hill...
- Yes you do. Be quiet
- No, no I don't. Ow, my legs...
- Shut up and run. You're already halfway up the hill
- No I don't wan....ooh, pretty cloud

The route I ran today was approximately 75% uphill. I had to talk myself into pushing through lots of muscle burning. It is an extremely painful route. But as hilly as it was, my long run was wonderful; I always feel so accomplished afterwards. It took some extra oomph to get myself dressed and out there today because my legs had some residual tightness, but once I got going my legs loosened up and I ended up running a few minutes longer than I had planned. I don't know my exact pace (or even the exact distance of the route) but I do know that I ran at least 7 miles.

I haven't even started my training plan yet. My endurance is shocking. Go me.

Saturday: 7 mile run

1 comment:

Patricio said...

Awesome hill work! I hate hills... but gotta do 'em, rite?