Monday, March 10, 2008

Ready to run

Today is the first day of my half marathon training plan. But instead of running, I rode the bike. Why? Because I'm still terrified that my knee is going to rebel and because, according to my training plan, Mondays should be a cross training/rest day. So I cross trained.

The running starts tomorrow and I am more than apprehensive about the entire thing. I absolutely love running and I absolutely love half marathons (they are without a doubt my favorite running distance) but after 3 injured Marches, I'm wondering how I should go about this.

I definitely need to do more stretching and yoga; that is an absolute given. I also think I need to get into the gym and do some weight training. But since I've never really weight trained seriously, I'm not sure what to do so I'm going to make an appointment with a personal trainer at the school rec center and see if I can't get a good routine figured out.

My goal is going to be at least 15 minutes of yoga or stretching a day and at least 2 strength training days a week. Those aren't too lofty. Whatever it takes to stay uninjured is what I need to do...


No Longer Using said...


i'm also training for a 1/2 marathon, but am 5 weeks into training. and i've had knee probs too (had acl surgery back when i was a soph in college-- 4 yrs ago).

i was wondering if you give priority to time for runs (given your schedule - 40 or 50 min), or distance (not listed?). just curious on your thoughts on this! thanks :)

also-- i'm super competitive and i've gotten really fast at the 5k and 10k distances. i've sort of hit an obstacle in my distance training b/c i don't want to slow down too much, and i want to be able to run a competitive 1/2 marathon (i'm sure i'll be happy just to finish,... but i want to be competitive, too..). so i'm stuck around 9 miles. b/c i've worked up to the point where i can go this distance, but still do it fast (i did 8.5 miles yesterday in 64 minutes). but case in point-- my body was ready to be done after that. i wanted to run 10 miles,.. and the next 1.5 miles was just not satisfying to me b/c i was going much slower and felt a little sapped of energy.

sorry this post turned out so long!!!! i was hoping you could give me some thoughts, especially if you have run a 1/2 marathon race before. thanks very much for your time.

jpetroroy said...

Is there any way you could email me your half marathon training plan (for comparison to mine? I based mine off of runnersworld but I'm not sure how it is). Thanks SO much.

Mnowac said...

Check out the Body for life website, and read over their workout routines. If you follow their workout plan, you'll be sure to hit every muscle group. Also, there is a good book called the 12 week Triathlete that has 3 good weight routines detailed out in it.

Patricio said...

Hope your knee is ready to get back to running. I think Yoga, stretching and some weights will help ya. Good luck!

jpetroroy said...

Are you running Boston's Run to Remember? I noticed you had it in your profile on the forums at Runner's World. Thats the (my first!) half marathon that I'm signed up for!

Ellie said...

Jen, I am! But I'm only doing the 5 miler since the half I'm planning on doing is the weekend after. Also, I don't have my training plan officially written down yet but I am going off of a RW Smart Coach training plan and Hal Higdon's advanced half plan

Lacey, I go by time because I don't have any way to accurately measure distance (where I am currently training) so it's easier to just know that in 40 minutes I'm running at least 4 miles, etc.

Also...don't worry about doing your long runs at race pace. Slow down and get the endurance in but add in a track workout every week/every other week (depending on what you're comfortable with).

Trainingtotri, thanks for the website! It's great!

Patricio, thanks for the good luck wishes!