Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Good news and bad news

I feel like I haven't posted in forever...just like I feel I haven't been running forever. But in reality, it's only be 3 weeks. Hopefully this will be the last week of complete rest. Ever since decided to stop cross training and just focus on resting/yoga/stretching, my knee pain improved by leaps and bounds. It still gets twingy and tight but nothing compared to the beginning of last week; the pain flare ups are fewer and farther in between and that's great news.

I've been tempted to go do a test run but somehow I've managed to talk myself out of that; I know my body needs the rest and running before I feel confident that I would not cause a setback in healing would be stupid. So sometime towards the end of next week my running should be making a slow comeback...hopefully.

The bad news is that I've managed to come down with a stomach bug that just won't quit. It started bothering me yesterday morning, peaked yesterday afternoon, and is now decided that it doesn't really want to leave me alone today. I definitely feel much better than yesterday but I still have that "feed me ginger and crackers or else I'll rebel" feeling, which is never fun.

Oh well. It's Wednesday and we're halfway through the week!


Mnowac said...

Ooh sorry you aren't feeling well. COntinue to rest up, you'll be able to run again soon enough!

Patricio said...

OMG!!!!!!! I just wrote my blog and was telling about being sick with a stomach bug!! Crazy huh??
Hope you feel better.

Good to hear the knee is better too... You'll be back in training in no time :)


Patricio said...

Hey, where are you???