Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The hardest decision yet

I have decided to stop running until April. I really really want to run and I want to get on with my training plan, but the knee pain is just not making that possible right now and I don't want to get even more injured. Between yesterday and today I have had a major flare up and attempting to run on it tomorrow would only be stupid.

So I will be biking and swimming and weight lifting until April 1, when I will hopefully feel well enough to run. And 2 months definitely isn't the ideal training time for a half all...but considering I "trained" in a month last year, I know that I'll at least be able to finish on that much training (plus all the cross training).

I'm not happy about this decision (at all) but it's what I need to do.


Mnowac said...

It's a very smart decision! You need to heal up. Maybe you can do pool running? I've seen people at the gym do it and supposedly it's a really great workout. It requires special weighted shoes and a weighted belt.

Patricio said...

Bummer... but it's the best you can do at this point. Keep the cardio up with biking, elliptical... anything you can do with out pain.
You gonna do phys. therap.?

Ellie said...

Trainingtotri, I know that they have pool running classes at the rec center. I'll definitely be looking into them.

Patricio, I don't know that I'm going to do phys. therapy. I am going to talk to one and get some input but I'm just going to play the rest by ear.

healthy ashley said...

Pool running? That sounds interesting! Exercises in the pool can get pretty tough...

I have knee issues myself. As you saw from my blog that I am on my way to becoming a real runner (lol), I always worry about my knees! But it is great that you put your health and knees before running for time being.

Running is addictive and it seems to give me a high. The other day I was thinking of how bummed I would be if I couldn't run anymore. So just remember that you are taking a break so that you can keep running!