Thursday, January 24, 2008

Easy days that weren't so easy

Wednesday: 30 minute run (indoor track)

I'm horrible at taking rest days. They make me feel so sluggish and blah. So despite the fact that I knew I should've just stuck to yoga, I did a relatively easy 30 minuter. It was quite possibly one of the worst ideas I have ever had. The run wasn't all that bad but by the time I decided that I wasn't going to take a rest day the gym was packed. There were so many people walking/running/jogging on the indoor track and it was quite the experience. Never again.

Thursday: 60 minute run (indoor track)

I'm not quite sure what possessed me to run circles for 60 minutes. I had planned on doing a simple 45 minutes, if that, because I woke up feeling tired and completely not in a running mood (having a train go by at 6:30 in the morning and waking me up tends to do that to me). But when my stopwatch got to 45 minutes I started the whole "5 more minutes" trick and ended up running for 15 more minutes. The upside is that I felt great. The downside is that I absolutely, positively have to take a rest day tomorrow. Ideally I would have 2 rest days this week but one is absolutely necessary. I always get injured right at the beginning of half mary training and I'm trying to avoid that pitfall this time around.

Ah yes, I have decided to run a half marathon. It will be my fourth. I guess it's not so much a decision as a tradition: springtime is my usual half marathon time and I feel empty without one. This year my half is on June 1 as opposed to April 27 (because of school, no less. Darn education...) so I have plenty of time before my training plan starts up. But as usual I'm itching to hit the pavement. Thankfully the weather isn't cooperating.

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